2022 End of Year Letter

Whitney & Company 2022 End of Year Letter

Each year on the last day of trading, the traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange close out the year by singing the song Wait Till The Sun Shines Nellie by Buddy Holly. The basic message of the song – look to the future, it’s going to be better – seems particularly […]

4th Quarter of 2021

Business People Analyzing Marketing and Finance Report

If you follow U.S. financial media, you might be surprised to know that financial markets turned in somewhat mixed results in 2021. U.S. equities, which dominate the news coverage, did indeed generate very strong returns in 2021. However, fixed income returns were flat-to-negative for the year and international stocks lagged the performance of U.S. stocks […]

2nd Quarter of 2021


Financial markets followed through on recent momentum to generate strong returns for investors in the second quarter of 2021. Equity markets in the U.S. led the way once again with the S&P 500 index up 8.2% in the quarter (excluding dividends), while foreign stocks and the stocks of smaller U.S. companies were up a little […]

First Quarter of 2021

Stock charts on the monitor close up. Finance and stock exchange concept

After one of the most volatile years in history, financial markets began 2021 in relatively quiet fashion. Equity markets around the world generated solid returns in the quarter. U.S. stocks, as measured by the S&P 500 index, were up 5.8% (excluding dividends), while developed and emerging international equities were up 2.8% and 1.9%, respectively. In […]

2020 Year End Review

year 2020

While 2020 was a difficult year for many people in many respects, it turned out to be another strong year in financial markets. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic which ground the global economy to a halt in March and drove precipitous declines in global equity markets, most major asset classes generated positive and relatively strong returns […]

Financial Times 2020 Top 300

Whitney & Company Named to 2020 Financial Times 300 Top Registered Investment AdvisersAugust 6th, 2020 – Whitney & Company is pleased to announce it has been named to the 2020 edition of the Financial Times 300 Top Registered Investment Advisers. The list recognizes top independent RIA firms from across the U.S. This is the seventh […]

Third Quarter Update

Business or Finance

In the third quarter, equity markets continued their recovery from the March lows. US. stocks as measured by the S&P 500 index were up 7.6% in the quarter, bringing the year-to-date increase to 3.2%, excluding dividends. As shown in the table below, the stocks of foreign companies and smaller US. companies also moved higher during […]

Mid Year Market Updates


The first half of 2020 will go down in the books as an extraordinary time in modern history. A health pandemic has swept the globe, and the response to the pandemic has triggered a very deep recession with more people in the U.S. unemployed than at any time since the Great Depression. Markets have responded […]


Family sitting in cafe

Whitney Planning Note – CARES ACT 2020 Last Friday congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act which is a massive stimulus package to provide relief for families, individuals, small businesses, and other parts of our economy affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. The CARES Act has various benefits from direct payments for […]

A Perfect Time For Planning

Senior couple enjoying their retirement on the beach

Today’s environment has created a perfect time to organize your finances with after work or school activities limited. If you are suffering from Netflix burnout or boredom from staring at the walls, then we hope this update provides a little inspiration. Below are some highlighted ideas to take advantage of the times we are in. […]