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Politics Investing Election

Take Your Politics Out of Investing

In case you weren’t aware, 2024 is an election year. With Super Tuesday’s results behind us, it looks almost certain (barring a surprise 3rd party candidate) that voters will have the same choice they had in 2020 – Donald Trump or Joe Biden. In our experience, politics often becomes a key source of anxiety for investors as the election approaches, and we typically field a growing number of inbound calls from clients expressing concern about markets if their preferred party or candidate fails to win. Given the highly polarized political environment we find ourselves in today and the growing number of articles on the upcoming election in the financial media (the lead story in the February 19th edition of Barons was Election Angst, What’s at Stake in a Biden vs. Trump Rematch), we thought it was a good time to share our views on the influence of politics, political parties, and elections on financial markets…


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